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Re: Shmaltz and Patinkin

Dear List Members:

Here we finally have it--  a Grand Slam: 
 A  non-Yiddish-speaking "critic" praising a contrived, crass and
commercial album by a man who had to be coached in Yiddish
pronunciation  (not being a native speaker himself) to a constituency 
comprised predominatly of (you guessed it)  non-Yiddish speakers!  What
a joke.

This farce could only  occur among  Jews  in our time.  
Imagine Muddy Waters taking diction lessons to get that Mississippi
Black accent down.  Or Hank Williams hiring a coach to better replicate
rural White Alabama speech patterns.   Do you think they would be
embraced by any sentient audience if this were so? 

Please.  Take your time.

Suggested song titles for Patinkin's next album: 
Yiddish versions of- 
Easter Parade
Gimme a Pigfoot and a Bottle of Beer
Horst Wessel Song/Lili Marlene Medley 

Agnes Naifish
Mack Shimoy
Kame'a Media

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