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Metro. Klezmer free gigs & schedule changes

Hi folks!  Time for some fresh air and free music.  New York City performance
dates listed below include one changed July show... Hope to see you there.
Dancing always encouraged.  

[Fyi:  our new CD, "Yiddish For Travelers", is now being carried world-wide by
Stern's Music distribution.   Tara will soon have it for sale on the web; and
already House of Musical Traditions sells it on the net, too.  Also, viewers
of ARD in Europe -- German Channel 1 -- can see us perform sometime this
summer, program date & time tba.  We'll post that when we know it, after World
Cup matches quit messing with the schedule.]   Best regards,
Eve Sicular (drummer/bandleader)

151 First Avenue #145, New York NY  10003
tel/fax: (212) 475-4544   e-mail:  sicular (at) aol(dot)com
summer 1998 SCHEDULE 

Tues, June 9, 6-9pm:
      Museum Mile Festival, The Jewish Museum, Fifth Ave & 92nd St, NYC
free/outdoor -- in case of rain, in museum auditorium  (212) 423-3200
Thur, June 11, 12:30-1:30pm:
      Abe Lebenwohl Park Concert Series, 2nd Ave & E. 10th St, sponsored by
Third St Music School Settlement NYC (212) 777-3240--free/outdoor!
Refreshments to be provided by the Second Avenue Deli.

***DATE CHANGE: Thur, July 23, 6:30-7:45pm (raindate 7/27):
      Washington Market Community Park Series, Greenwich St @ Duane St., NYC
(212)   431-7359 -- free/outdoor!  [Originally had been set for July 2.]
Featuring very special guests.

and one outdoor, $ticket gig Sat, Aug 15, 8pm:
      Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, Hart MI--special all-female line-up!


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