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FInding a Yiddish song

Dear Yiddish Song lovers and Collective Wisdom:

I've received a request to find the following song. Can anyone out there help?
thanks for any leads: author or composer-- Mikhl Gelbart, 1889-1962..
thanks. Judy.

Here's what we're looking for:
>Yiddish songs (for kids, possibly), by Mikhl Gelbart.  He's specifically
>looking for a song called Di Nacht.  The fist line is "s'iz keiner mit mir
>in di nacht."

Judy Fertig
Reference Librarian
Brandeis University
Goldfarb Library MS045
415 South Street                                phone:(617-736-4705)
Waltham, MA 02254-9110                  email: fertig (at) brandeis(dot)edu

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