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Re: Yiddish on List (was: Itsy Bitsy Spider and other Liturgucal Themes)

On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Joe Kurland wrote:

> Vocabulary from my latest post:
> Maybe that would be a better way of doing this.  It took me more time to
> write out this vocabulary list than it took to write the original posting.
> Ari-- do you think your website could have a vocabulary page with words in
> Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Farsi, etc. that are commonly used in the
> discussion of Jewish music?  People who use words that are unfamiliar to
> readers could be encouraged to contribute to the page.

Wow! I didn't mean to put quite that much effort into it (but thanks for
your effort). I was thinking of the way I've usually seen it done -a one
or two word definition (or a roughly equivalent phrase) in parentheses
after the word. But thanks...

Alana Suskin

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