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Re: Yiddish Music in Germany

It might be useful for you to contact the Juedische Kulturverein at 4
Mont-Bijou-Platz in East Berlin (Mitte). I don't have their number on me
at the moment, but I'm sure it's in the phone book. The JK was set up
shortly after the Wende, and organises copious cultural events, including
talks, concerts, sing-songs, etc. I myself was drafted in to playing
keyboard at a Sunday afternoon Yiddischer sing-song a couple of years ago,
which was quite amusing, seeing that I'd never played klezmer or yiddische
music before ! Irene Runge is probably the best person to speak to you,
and the folks there are bound to come up with some useful pointers,
especially about the Yiddish scene in the GDR. Say Shalom from me !

Jonathan Ross
Department of German
King's College London

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