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More On Nusach Sepharad Vs. Askenaz

Dear Ari, et. al.
        In case my other message was rejected, here it is again.

        IMHO nowadays it's REALLY difficult to recover the purity of any Nusach.
 I know that Breuer's preserves a great deal of Nusach Frankfort, but everyone 
concedes that the various chazzonim introduced melodies from toher sources over 
the yeras, and that certain melodies from the old country were forgotten. 

        Nevertheless, Most of the new melodies that have been incorporated have 
a similar sound to the originals; (eg mostly in a major mode perhaps to a march 
or waltz beat, etc.)  So a number of chassidic tunes have been adapted because 
"musically" they fit in beauthifully into the existing style.

Good Shabbos to all!

Rich Wolpoe

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Subject: Re: Nusach Sepharard vs. Nusach Edot HaMizrach  
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate 
Date:    2/18/98 11:42 PM

Thanks for a great response. 

>To sum up, if Nusach can be used two different ways, is there any foolproof 
Foolproof?  No.

 to distinguish how it's being used on any given recording?
I would say that a musical recording would likely/probably refer to Nusach 
in the musical sense and not in the liturgical text sense.

(My 2 sense!) RW 

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