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Re: Klezmer Music 1910-1942

Dear Henry and all:

You know, Smithsonian Folkways is now offering CD (write once) transfers of
older recordings that otherwise they might not reissue on conventional CD.
They make the CDs to order, just like the tapes you are describing. I have
been waiting over 6 months for my selections, but the first one (Sephardic
Folk Songs by Gloria Levy, F08737) arrived recently. So they appear to be
making (slow) progress at filling an unanticipatedly large demand.

Perhaps you could check with them and see if they are offering your album?
And offer folks an alternative to the unauthorized reissue?

BTW, ain't there laws about this sort of thing...

Best, Joel

At 04:46 PM 1/4/98 -0500, Sapoznik (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>Thank you to everyone who contacted me about the fate of "Klezmer Music
>1910-1942". The sad news is that Smithsonian-Folkways has no plans to reissue
>the record on CD (they are still offering cassette transfers of the LP.)
>The good news is we have just started talking about an authorized updated
>remastered reissue of the disc to come out on our newly formed "Living
>Traditions" label. 
>As we get closer to realizing this, I will keep folks posted.
>Henry Sapoznik
>Living Traditions

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02173 USA
Home:   781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498

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