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Re: New Sub-Categories and Adjectives for Jewish Music

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Subject: New Sub-Categories and Adjectives for Jewish Music 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    1/6/98 5:35 AM

>The problem with culture is that it is evolves.  So if people try to exclude 
>artists who try to broaden Jewish culture, then that culture will become

>something which is merely archival, and not alive.  I have a lot of respect 
>for those who wish to preserve European Jewish culture as it was.  But there 
>is a living Jewish community here in the US and if a number of bands throw 
>rock, jazz and other elements together with the klezmer tradition, to name 
>only one, I think that is fine.

Maybe we should have "Klezmer" refer to "traditional klezmer" (ie pre wwII) 
and "neo-Klezmer" refer to the continuing evolution of that style of 

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