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Re:Re: Nomen est omen

Not wanting to get into another "Cantor" debate, I'll make this my last entry
on the subject of "categorizing " Jewish Music.  Just because a Klezmer band
does a song in Yiddish does not qualify that as being Klezmer. I have seen
many Klezmer groups in performance, and I enjoy the vocals, it breaks up the
performance.  However if you do a compilation of all Yiddish vocals, that
would no longer be Klezmer.

As a listener of Jewish music, you have every right to categorize your music
anyway you want.  Having almost 2000 titles, as I said before, I stick to more
"traditional" categories.

As far a "fusion" goes, the rub' is that when too much is 'fused(?) there is
the danger of that which is  of Jewish Character in the music gets so  deluded
that it looses its Jewishness all together..  You can only add so much water
to a good chicken soup and still call it chicken soup.  You add too much, and
all you have is funny tasting water. 

I get many missionaries looking for "Jewish-Christian" music. As far as I'm
concerned, there is no such thing (lets not start another debate).  However,
using the definition of "New' music, or "fusion" or who knows what, can't a
point be made for that-if carried to  extreme. ,

Almost lastly, Burt Bachrach music is NOT Jewish Music.  My shop, Hatikvah
Music, was originally called Norty's Music.  In the early 50's there was a
young man who worked here named Jerry Leiber.  Here he met another young man
named Mike Stoller.  They wrote a couple of"little"tunes such as "Hound Dog",
"Stand By Me", "Love Potion #9", "Charley Brown", "Yakaty Yak", and dozens of
other major Rock & Roll and R & B hits.  Just because they were Jewish and
worked in a Jewish music store, does not mean that "I'm A Hog For You Baby" is
a Jewish song: neither is "Do You Know The Way to San Jose".

Lastly, my greatest concern is:Why do we hear so little of Jackie Wilson on
the radio? Now HERE you've got as great Jewish singer!

Just enjoy the Music!!
Hatikvah Music
Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com

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