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Re: Klezmorim & Brave Old World

Dear Ari,

I implied that the Klezmorim were a 'source' of "new' Klezmer music. Whether
their reocrdings were good or bad does not take away from the fact that they
were a significant part of the Klezmer revival of the 70's. I know of many
klezmer fans who said that the Klezmorim were the first Klezmer  band they

Before I take on the "Brave Old World" question, there is something that I
have to clearify.   Today there is a tendencey to lump many styles of music
into the such broad catagories as "Jewish" or "Klezmer".  
Recently, there was a recording released called "Jewish Music" (I beleive it
was on Tzadik, but I'm not sure).  The entire album was a collection of Burt
Bacharach songs performed by contemporary artists.  Why was this called
"Jewish Music"?  According to the distributor, "...because Burt Bachrach is
Jewish!"  I told them that Irving Berlin also was Jewish, however that doesn't
make "White Christmas", or "Easther Parade" Jewish music.    To make things
even worse, if you go to most major music stores that might have any
"Yiddish", "Klezmer",  "Ladino" or "Cantorial" recordings at all, you'll
usually find them under "World Beat-Israel".  That's where you'll now find
Burt Bachrach.  

That sort of catagorising is fine when a store carries 20 "Jewish" recordings.
However I carry approximately  2000 .  I cannot file all under "Jewish Music"

There was a time when Klezmer was "traditional Eastern-European Instrumental
music".  Too many new recordings include so many vocals, that I can not
classify them as klezmer.  On your top 10 list of Klezmer hits, you have
"Patisans of Vilna" which is a fine recording and have stocked it for years. I
realize that many of the musicians on the recording  perform Klezmer, but I do
have a major problem puting "Zog Nit Keynmol" under "Klezmer".  Especially,
when I have a catagory for "Music of the Holocaust" which is where this
recording belongs. 

As far as "The Brave Old Word" recordings, I have had nothing but "tzures"
dealing with their label, "Rounder"and let's leave it at that.

I'm glad you'r enjoying the "Gojim" recording. They also have a Klezmer CD and
one of songs of the "Vilna Ghetto 1941-1943".  Samples will be sent to you as
soon as I receive them.  I'm also very anxious to know what you think of the
"Kroke" recordings.  They're doing very well and hopefully, we'll be able to
introduce them to the American market.

Thank You for the service you are providing to the Jewish Music community.

Hatikvah Music


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