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Re: The Klezmorim

>Where can I order the forthcoming Klezmorim record?  I'm a fan.

The Klezmorim broke up about ten years ago. Arhoolie re-released
a CD with material from their first two CDs (Rounder has three
others still in print, I believe) that I will be reviewing on my 
pages when time permits (The Klezmorim / First recordings 1976-1978). 
It's not urgent--I don't think anyone, including the Klezmorim, 
considers their recordings essential. Fun, collectible, and a good
excuse to reminisce, but not particularly essential. (On the other 
hand, I am blissfully drowning in an awful lot of exciting current 
music which has priority on the review table.)

You should be able to get their albums from most of the usual sources:

your local large record store, or online at:

House of Musical Traditions (
Tara Productions (
or Hatikva (which carries =everything= klez): klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com

I have a page of reminisces, mostly from Lev Liberman, on my
klezmer pages at
to find out more about the early days of the band.


Ari Davidow
The klezmer shack:
owner: jewish-music mailing list
e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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