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May main mail program has again gone and the blink and in returning 
to previously used program, found this unsent letter.   Sorry
this is so overdue, but it's still not too late to get this info.

Could you tell us about KlezKanada, where is it located, and when it is
traditionally it run by the same crew as Klezcamp?  thanks

Hi Klezmorin:
    For the past 2 years it has been held about the third week in 
August for 5 days.  It is held in a Jewish Camp in the town of 
Lanier, about 60 miles north of Montreal.  Shura Rosenfeld and the 
Jewish Committee of Montreal run it.  It is very different from Klez 
Kamp but still a beautiful experience.  Many well known musicians and 
performers appear and everyone with talant or the desire gets a 
chance to perform.  Last year Adrienne Cooper, Hankus Netsky, Jeff 
and Debra and Bernard Mendolovitch plus many, many more talented 
professionals taught classes, performed and participated in the 
events.  It is a Canadian event but I would say about 20% of the 
attendees are from the US.
Abe Malz

One slight correction.  

Klezkanada is run by Sore not Shura Rosenfeld and the Jewish Committee 
of Montreal.   

Since I still have a copy of the complete web file, here is some of the
exact info:

 Last summmer's staff/faculty included: (listed alphabetically)

    The Klezmer Conservatory Band (Boston) with Hankus Netsky.
    Bruce Adler - song and dance Broadway star (New York)
    Mina Bern - stage actor (New York)
    Rita Briansky - artist (Montreal)
    Roz Cohen - teacher (Montreal)
    Yigal Donyets - author (Israel)
    Emanuel Goldsmith - Yiddish scholar (New York)
    Professor Gershon Hundert - scholar (Montreal)
    Jack Jacobs - scholar (New York)
    Cecile Kuznitz - scholar (Stanford)
    Shura Lipovsky - singer (Amsterdam)
    Bernard Mendelovitch - stage actor (London, England)
    Joseph and Chana Mlotek - scholars (New York)
    Zalman Mlotek - pianist/arranger (New York)
    Joseph and Chana Mlotek - scholars (New York)
    Moshe Rosenfeld - impresario/arranger (New York)
    Professor Robert Shapiro - scholar (Baltimore, Maryland)
    Deborah Strauss - musician (Chicago)
    Jeff Warschauer - musician (New York)
    Bryna Wasserman - stage director (Montreal)
    Michael Wex - raconteur (Toronto)
    Shulamis Yelin - poet (Montreal)
    and others to follow. 

I believe last summer's program is still up on their web page.
(Just put in "Klezkanada" in a search engine, preferably Yahoo's.)  
If you don't find it, I have an ascii version in my computer (37K) 
that I can send you if you like.   Let me know privately.

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky

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