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Here's another one that looks interesting. This is really the
month to live in New York if you like non-traditional klezmer
(and actually, given performances by Zalmen Mlotek's groups,
other interesting Jewish music, as well). (Weird to see myself
quoted in a press release. Relieved that it isn't the most
embarrassing press-release-ese of the piece ;-).)

>For immediate release
>December 18
>Town Hall
>Town Hall's holiday program welcomes three top Klezmer bands face to face
>with a vivid Flamenco Troupe in a fusion of two major far-flung folkloric and
>gypsy traditions.
>The Klezmer groups are the Kapelye, The Cayuga Klezmer Revival, the
>Klezmatics. The Flamenco company is the Roberto Castellon Jr. Ensemble -
>featuring Castellon Jr., and Jason McGuire. Also on the program are the
>Hidalgo Dance Company, singer Jesus Montoya and dancer Cecilia Romero.
>Klezmer music is, in the words of critic Ari Davidow, "Blues, spirit and jazz
>all mixed together." Klezmer - the music of the shtetl - has a strong
>relationship to early jazz as well as a logical link to the pulsating rhythms
>and gypsy sounds of the Flamenco.
>The Town Hall date - December 18, 8 PM - is a fusion, also, of artists who
>have lately played across the world, from Germany, France, Japan and Israel
>to South America. 
>This event will be an evening of the most contemporary, dynamic spirits in
>the world of Klezmer and Flamenco.
>Tickets go on sale December 4 at the BOX OFFICE: (212) 840-2824 or can be
>charged by phone at TICKETMASTER: (212) 307-7171.
>Town Hall
>December 18 @ 8 PM 
>This events benefits from the support of the Malka Lubelski Foundation, NY
>Arts Magazine, Eighth Floor Artists Corp. and The Town Hall Helping Hands
>For further info please contact: Katherine Ouimet, tel. (212) 226-3424

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