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Re: Hectic over Hanukkah

>Shalom Amigos,
>        I'm in a real bind.  I have been nominated by the Temple Beth
>Israel to find a klezmer band to perform on or around 29. March
>(preferably Sunday at 15.00).  The problem is that the Temple Board wants
>a flyer announcing the concert to be distributed at the Hanukkah Bizarre
>(8. December).
>        If there are any bands out there (preferably in California) that
>wish more information on this event please contact me or Jeri Horowitz at
>tel. # 209-439-5802.

There are a number of klezmer bands in Northern California
listed on my klezmer pages.

The Northern California Jewish Bulletin, in conjunction with the
local Jewish Federation, also maintains a resource guide:
(this, of course, is the best first step for anyone starting
out cold to find a klezmer band anywhere--contact your local 
Jewish community!)

Hope this helps,

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