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RE: Jewish Classical Composers

A woman came up to the composer Moritz Moskowsky and asked him to sign her 
autograph book.  He opened the book, and there saw the autograph of the famous 
conductor and critic Max Von Bulow.  Von Bulow had written "Bach, Beethoven, 
Brahms - all the others are cretins".

Moskowsky wrote, "Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Moskowsky - all the others are 

Actually, there are others - Jacques Offenbach, Ernst Bloch, Arnold Schoenberg, 
Kurt Weill, to name the most famous.

And not everyone on this list talks about Klezmir.  Me, for instance.

Yoel Epstein

From:   HST2nd (at) aol(dot)com[SMTP:HST2nd (at) aol(dot)com]
Sent:   éåí øáéòé 26 ðåáîáø 1997 01:51
To:     World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:        Jewish Classical Composers

There are so many prominent classical performing prodigies with Jewish names
but it suddenly struck me that Leonard Bernstein and George Gershwin were the
only classical Jewish composers I could name right off. Who are some others?

(Hey: I'm neither a Jew nor a musician, so please be gentle.  It's an honest,
if ignorant, question!) 

And, Ari, forgive. It's not really a Klezmer question.



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