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Re: Owen's posting Nov 21, 1997

        Ari's a reviewer. You're a reviewee. Bad reviews happen. Don't get
an ulcer. Move on. Go ahead and be angry - but don't post it - it's not
appropriate - do you write to every newspaper that gives you a bad review?
Come on read some of the famous reviews of history - some of the great
writers and actors of history got terrible reviews. Only time proves you
great or not. Just move on, already. Writing nasty letters to Ari just
makes you look worried. If you're great, you should already know it
enought to not worry about a bad review here and there. If you keep at it,
no matter what you produce, you're going to get bad reviews, and the
quality of the work is irrelevant. MOVE ON.


On Fri, 21 Nov 1997, Wolf Krakowski, Paula Parsky wrote:

> Dear Owen:
> If you read carefully, there  were no threats made of any  nature:
> I merely wish to underscore the stupid and insensitive  comment (however
> "honest") that "There are no strong people on this album".  A comment
> that maligns, slanders and defames some of the most respected and
> cherished figures in Jewish music (and one spiritual titan)  most of
> whom are dead and are in no position to speak  up for themselves.  Not
> to mention guys  you know like Jim Armenti  and Ray Mason.  WHERE DOES
> ARI GET THE KHUTSPAH TO SAY SUCH A THING? I did not say that my back-up
> singers WOULD kick his ass, but COULD, as in to have the ability.  
> You are in a band.  Picture your last CD getting the treatment mine did.
> Held up in comparison to an entirely different kind of band, for one. 
> Jibes  at your personal appearance, for another.  The shameless plug
> for  friends at your expense.  I don't think Yosl and the other folks
> would keep quiet about it.  It does bothers me that this drek is out in
> cyberspace, possibly forever.
> As for the part about future artists that Ari may  misrepresent and
> callously put down:  Hey, I'm trying to do him a favor.  I would
> personally never
> come to blows over something like that.  I have way too much to lose to
> be looking  at an assault charge;  that would never happen.  But I do
> acknowledge my anger; so sue me.   You ever get angry, Owen?  If you
> don't, a tip of the old fedora to you;  you are one spiritual guy. 
> As far as your use of "snarling" (very creative, I like it)--know this:
> my family did not survive both Hitler and Stalin so that I should take
> crap off a n y b o d y.  Why should I?  You think a person should roll
> over and take it for the sake of Viennese politeness, or something? 
> There can be more viciousness  and harm in soft words than in strong
> language.  There is a saying:  "Don't write no checks, that your mouth
> can't cash."
> If the strength of my convictions or choice of words upsets you,  I'm
> sorry.  They were not directed at  you.  Ari should own up to those
> remarks and think about the people he may have hurt by them.  Get it? 
> I like your comparison to:  who is and who is not a Jew.  I have thought
> of it myself when I read certain people's comments on what is and what
> is not klezmer.  
> Take it easy,
> Wolf
> PS  Of course, I expected to be hassled for sticking up for myself and
> the memories of Kaczerginski, Gebirtig, Witler, Perlman et al.

Yallah bye,
Alana Suskin

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