Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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On Purpose This Time

I wanted to rejoin this list, after being off for several years, with a
re-introduction of myself. Instead I did the rookie mistake of sending
a personal reply meant only for one person. Oh well, I guess instead of
marching in with bravado, I
have nicely stumbled back onto the list.  <*hiccup*>
I produce the InterGalactic Jewish Music Festival in Philadelphia and am
leader of
the band Benny and The Vildachayas. My interest is in progressive Jewish
music, that is folks
who are recreating traditional Jewish music in a more modern idiom. I also
have a weak spot
for novelty bands.

I just released my first CD, Benny and The Vildachayas - Get In Trouble. It
is an irreverent romp
through Jewish music past, present, and future. I wanted an opportunity get
ideas that were
swimming around in my head for years out and heard by someone else besides

I thank Ari Davidow for getting my ass back on this list and look forward
to the banter.

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