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KlezKamp 13: The Yiddish Folk Arts Program

Living Traditions is proud to announce its KlezKamp: The 13th Annual Yiddish
Folk Arts Program, to be held December 21-26 1997 at the Paramount Hotel in
Parksville, NY.

This year's event will explore the rich and diverse history of Jewish life
cycle events including brisses, bar/bas mitzvahs, weddings and the rituals
and meanings behind them. A highlight of the week will, in fact, be our
first-ever on-site khasene.

Our internationally renowned staff of 40 will be presenting a wide array of
classes in East European Jewish folk arts, including  music, dance, film,
theater, history, folklore, poetry, Yiddish language, papercutting and
calligraphy. Lecturers include:

1) historian Jenna Weissman Joselit, who will examine the ways in which
Jewish rituals have changed over the years
2) folklorist Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, who will present materials on
the Jewish wedding, will moderate an intergenerational panel on changes in
the bar-mitzvahs over the last 70 years and a slide lecture featuring her
father, noted folk artist Mayer Kirshenblatt
3) The Jewish Museum's Director of Public Programs Aviva Weintraub, who will
illustrate her talk, "From the Cradle to the Grave to the Screen: The Jewish
Life Cycle as Depicted in Film and on Television," with excerpts from the
Museums collections.
4) Oxford University faculty member Joel Berkowitz on the life and theater of
Abraham Goldfaden. 

Yiddish (beginning, intermediate and advanced levels) will taught by Paula
Teitelbaum, Miriam Isaacs and Pesakh Fiszman, while a special all-Yiddish
lecture will be given by poet Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, discussing her life
and writings. 

The core of our program remains our exciting and enriching music and dance
classes featuring over 15 musicians gleaned from the world's most influential
Yiddish music ensembles including The Klezmatics, Kapelye, the Klezmer
Conservatory Band, Klezmer Plus and Freylekh, Freylekh. We are also honored
to have legendary klezmer clarinetist Ray Musiker joining us this year.

Vocalists can choose from our KlezKamp chorus, a survey of Jewish life cycle
songs and a master class for singers of Yiddish theater and art songs led by
Zalmen Mlotek and Adrienne Cooper. We are also pleased to offer a new course
on the life and repertoire of the beloved Yiddish singer Martha Schlamme,
conducted by Canadian songstress Beth Anne Cole 

We will again offer a full children's program for ages 2-11, Jenny Romaine's
innovative teen theater project, and a klezmer youth orchestra, plus
post-dinner family shows. A night patrol service is also available to parents
with kids. 

Evenings are the time for our staff and student concerts, dance parties,
films, Yiddish sing-a-longs late night Kabaret and numerous jam sessions. 

KlezKamp will be held at the Paramount Hotel in New York's Catskill region.
Comfortable double and triple occupancy rooms with private bath are standard,
as is a full kosher menu (including vegetarian entrees at every meal).
Tuitions, which include all classes, room and board, food and gratuities, are
$615/double, $540/triple, $280/ages 2-6, and $305/ages 7-11; children under 2
years are free. A Living Traditions membership is also required (you can join
when you register).

There are a limited number of work scholarships available; recipients work in
our children's program or on tech crew (sound, lights, recording, video);
instructions for applying are on the KlezKamp brochure. Space is limited, so
please don't delay - sign up ASAP!

To receive an application, please send your snail mail address to:
Livetrads (at) aol(dot)com

or write:

Living Traditions
430 West 14th Street Suite 514
New York, NY 10014
Tel. (212) 691-1272
Fax (212) 691-1657

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