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Eastern European & Other Ethnic Influences in Traditional Israeli Folk music/dance Programs in New York City (fwd)

Thought this might be of interest to some folks in the New York area. 
Rikuday Dor Rishon
Israeli Folk Dancing 
in the Classic Tradition
Celebrating its 10th Anniversary

Sunday October 5, 1997  

Israeli Folk Dance Party to start the Jewish New Year with guest teacher
from Israel, Raya Spivak, creator of popular circle and line dances (Ma
Navu, Vanikehu, Noladeti Lashalom) and couple-mixers (Niguno Shel Yossi).
Raya will be accompanied by her husband, noted ethno-musicologist Yossi
Spivak whose contributions include classic songs such as Ma Navu and the
Eastern European influenced, Niguno Shel Yossi. 
Rikuday Dor Rishon dancers celebrate their 10th anniversary by hosting
this very special opening night of the new season featuring Israeli
folk-dancing in the classic tradition.  7:30 pm $6.  

Brotherhood Synagogue 28 Gramercy Park South (E.20 St. west of 3rd Ave.)
Note change of location for the opening night.

Sunday October 12, 1997

Mini-Marathon featuring Ayalah Goren-Kadman and Danny Pollock reviewing
some of the dances taught at Shorashim 1997, including some based
on Kurdish, Yemenite and Eastern European (Hassidic) movements. 7:30pm $6.
Town & Village Synagogue 334 E. 14th St. (between 1st and 2nd Avenues). 

Sunday October 19, 1997

Weekly open sessions begin at Town & Village Synagogue 334 E. 14th St.
7:30 pm    Still only $4:00.  

Information:    (212)620-0535  
                rdrdance (at) juno(dot)com 

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