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Re: collecting klezmer music CDs

>>I do not know much about klezmer music, and I am interested in expanding my
>>CD collection. The only CD I have now is Live at the Fiddlers House. Any
>        There will be a review of many of the newer klezmer albums in the
>December issue of Strings magazine.

I have reviews of new (and old) klezmer CDs on my klezmer pages,
and maintain lists of both the CD reviews that people have viewed
most often, and my personal "top ten". Those will at least give 
you reviews and a couple of criteria.

Right now, two new CDs that are especially wonderful are 

   Jeff Warschauer / The Singing Waltz   and
   Alicia Svigals / Fidl

Both are wonderful musicians making albums based on traditional
sounds with some of the best musicians around. And in both 
cases, the results are lively and easy to listen to repeatedly.

Other recent (and not so recent) albums include

   Klezmer Conservatory Band / Dancing in the Aisles
      (their best in years, and that says a lot)
   Brave Old World / Beyond the Pale
      (although, really, either album is marvellous)
   Klezmatics / Possessed
      (the latest, and deepest, by a band that has pushed the genre 
      most wonderfully)
   Epstein Brothers / oh, anything and everything you can find by them
      (their absolute newest is a 2-CD retrospective, 
      "Epstein Bros., Vols. III & IV")

But, there are about 100 reviews on my klezmer site and that
just touches the surface, so really, you have a lot of options.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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