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Re: somewhat pure klezmer

At 01:36 PM 8/8/97 -0700, Solidarity Foundation wrote:

>On Thu, 7 Aug 1997, Solidarity Foundation wrote:
<big snip>

>All of these musical traditions develop and change, add new elements and
>lose old ones, etc. But I think you'll find among the Eastern European
>ones (just to keep it to those more closely related to klezmer) a certain
>anxiety that things may be changing too fast. I recommend taking a look
>at an excellent book _May It Fill Your Soul_ by Tim Rice, which deals
>with these kinds of questions. Why the anxiety? Because folk music is
>part of the "felt" definition of who we are -- I mean our own folk music.

This was a fascinating post. A specific question about the book by Tim Rice
-- does it deal with Klezmer music changing too fast, World music changing
too fast, or things in general changing too fast? 

Thanks for the clarification,


Joel Bresler
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