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Good collections of niggunim

B"H Lucerne, Switzerland

I think one of the most famous is the collection of the Munkatsch
chassidim. There are 
chassidim who believe that adding words to a niggun enhances it (for
instance, Chabad)
and there are chassidim who believe that adding words to a niggun
diminishes the
'power' of the niggun (for example, Munkatsch), and that the strength lies
in the melody 
itself, unadorned. 

Though I've seen the Munkatsch collection, I have no idea where it's to be
found. I think there's
a scholarly collection by Hebrew University which should be comprehensive.
Another option
is the Gerer (Gur) chassidim (some of which resemble Viennese waltzes) or
the Bobover. 
Please let me know what your search brings to light.

I assume you've already rounded up the usual suspects?

Alex Jacobowitz

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