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Brave Old World on tour?

I heard last night (at a Balkan Dance party, the right place
to hear about this sort of thing) that BOW will be in Boston
on July 10th. Does anyone have additional details? Where else
does this tour, assuming that it really exist, take them?

Next to the Klezmatics, I'd put Brave Old World on the top of
the list of bands playing Jewish music that pulls us into the
here and now. Given that the group's bass player, Stu Brotman,
was playing klez-ish stuff with Kaleidoscope (David Lindley's
first band) back in the Sixties, and that Michael Alpert was
with the original Kapelye as the klez revival kicked off in the
late Seventies, clarinetist Kurt Bjorling plays with the outstanding
Chicago Klezmer Ensemble when not on tour (and has put time in
with the Klezmatics), the band can also claim to be one of those rare
klez versions of a "supergroup". Everyone who has heard them 
recently says that "they've just gotten better." Which is a 
long way of saying that, if they are appearing, they are well- 
worth seeing.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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