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[no subject]

Many of you have heard me mention this new thing that I am working
on called "Virtual Ashkenaz." It's inspired, and going to be connected
to the Ashkenaz Festival happening at the end of this summer in 
Toronto. But, hopefully, it will also take on a life of its own.
  more on Ashkenaz Fest:

I'd like to invite ya'll to help beta test this site (or, if you
miss the beta, do come on in and participate, anyway). 

We're being hosted as part of the demo site for the discussion
software, Motet.

1. Come visit the Motet site and see how it works.
   You'll need to register with the site to get to the
   conferencing area. This is free, and takes seconds.

2. Send me e-mail letting me know your Motet login i.d.
I'll add you to the beta list so that you can see "Ashkenaz."

(If you get to Motet late, you'll simply see "Ashkenaz" as
an available conference--it means that we've gone live and
you no longer need my intercession in order to join in the 

Please spread this message around and help get the word out!

Looking forward to seeing you in Virtual Ashkenaz,

Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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