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GREAT SINGER! Concert on April 3 in NYC

Just wanted you all to know that I attended a stupendous concert at
Columbia University on Sunday night.  The performer was Chaim David, a
singer/songwriter/guitarist from Jerusalem via South Africa.  His life
and music was strongly influenced by Shlomo Carlebach, z"l.

This man has the sweetest voice and very engaging melodies, interspersed
with from-the-heart anecdotes and insights.  He had the place rocking! 
At frequent intervals, the audience was dancing with fervor to his

I was told that Chaim David is performing this Thursday, April 3, 8:00
p.m. at the Carlebach Shul (305 West 79th Street, btw. West End Avenue
and Riverside Drive, NYC).  I think admission is $10.  This guy is
definitely worth checking out.

Chava Willig Levy

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