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Re: Shalom Aleichem, etc.

>Another interesting bit of trivia regarding Israel Goldfarb (composer of
>"Shalom Aleichem" melody): in the same edition of "The Jewish Songster, Part
>I," copyright 1925 &1948, appears the familiar Shabbat evening Kiddush melody
>we all sing in homes and congregations everywhere. Its composer is none other
>than Israel Goldfarb.

I believe he quoted major sections and motifs from Lewandowsky - I'd have to
check my reprint of "Kol Rina" to be certain (it's at work and I'm at home).

He did that with a few of Lewandowsky's settings; I don't mind for the simple
reason that Goldfarb's little blue book of "Friday Evening Congregational
Melodies" received wide distribution, thereby popularizing these melodies.

                                                       Cantor Neil Schwartz

Cantor Neil Schwartz
Katie Schwartz, B.S.I.

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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