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New Cassette Available

Dear Friends:

        We thought we'd try to help make your Hanukkah (and Christmas too!) gift
giving easier this year! We've gotten such tremendous response from children and
adults about our cassette that we couldn't resist hawking our tape to you via
e-mail. If you like, we'll even gift wrap and send the tape for you. Now isn't
that nice?

        For a reminder, here's a description of the tape for those of you who
haven't purchased it yet for yourselves!

"King Solomon's Daughter: Stories and Songs from the Jewish Tradition" performed
by Renee Brachfeld and Mark Novak.  This handsomely produced cassette features
original tellings of folktales, Hassidic stories, and contemporary liturature,
woven together with a musical thread.  Traditional and original music and songs
are featured throughout the tape.  Rabbi Zalman Schecter-Shalomi called it
"Spiritually uplifting and delightful."  Recommended for ages 5 through adult.

Cassettes of "King Solomon's Daughter" - Stories & Songs From the Jewish
Tradition by Mark Novak & Renee Brachfeld may be ordered by sending a check to:
        Mark Novak
        4108 Military Road NW
        Washington DC  20015

Cassettes are $10 each plus $1.50 S&H,
$12  includes giftwrapping.

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