Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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New E-Mail List

It's here, at long last. The Hava Nashira/Jewish Songleaders e-mail
discussion list.

To subscribe, send a message  to:

listproc (at) shamash(dot)org

with no subject and only the following text:

SUBSCRIBE HANASHIR [your first and last name]

It's best to not include your automatic signature, if your e-mail software
will let you.

The list description is as follows:

This open, unmoderated list is for discussion of issues related to Jewish
songleading and Jewish music education. The primary purpose is to serve as
an online resource for all people involved in teaching and leading Jewish
music, whether at camps, congregations, or community centers. It is
associated with the Hava Nashira/Jewish Songleaders web site located on
Shamash at

This list is a part of Shamash, the International Jewish Internet 
Service.  For more information about Shamash lists send a message to 
listproc (at) shamash(dot)org with one word in it, LISTS.  Shamash is also 
reachable via World Wide Web at and by gopher 
and ftp to  
Adrian A. Durlester durleste (at) plains(dot)nodak(dot)edu
Production Manager, Festival Concert Hall - North Dakota State University, Fargo
Director of Music & Religious Education, Temple Beth El (UAHC,) Fargo, ND
Work: (701) 231-9564  Cel-Phone: (701) 799-7870
Alternate E-mail:  72507(dot)471 (at) compuserve(dot)com   AdrianD (at) 

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