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Re[2]: Di Sapozhkelekh

     Many thanks to all for your responses.
     I am a classic guitarist and I sing in a polyphonic choir.
     Klezmer and in general Jewish music are far away from my music 
     background but I love it and I want to play and sing it.
     Our intention is to sing "a cappella" Jewish/Klezmer music and also to 
     sing song with my guitar accompaniment
     Di Sapozhkelekh is our second experiment (the first was the song "Dire 
     Gelt" for voice and lute; lute because the "middle-aged" style of the 
     song, very similar to "Vecchie Letrose" by A. Villaert) and I need 
     some ideas about the Classic Guitar part.
     It seems to be a slow waltz but the structure of the melody and the 
     harmony can suggest a complex "contrapuntal" or imitative part for the 
     Someone have an usual and an alternative harmony structure?
     So, in summary, I need ideas to realise the part of the guitar in 
     order to evidence the rich melody line and the complex structure of 
     the song. 
     Note: We play "Dire Gelt" in classical music concerts with great 

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