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Klezmer revival

On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, the Cheshire Cat <alanacat (at) wam(dot)umd(dot)edu> wrote:


What are the names of these groups and do you have a list of available 
recordings? They sound fascinating, especially the Sephardic/African/mizrahi 
mix. Also, for the one in the deep South, do they do any touring in the 
Southeastern United States, particularly in Florida?


estaylor (at) cris(dot)com

>       Probably klezmer is in the stage of being revived. Two of my
>favorite groups are those which have mixed klezmer with African/mizrachi
>or with Sephardic traditional tunes, or sounds or instruments. The
>combination is thrilling,a nd I think I would be willing to call it
>klezmer. Likewise a group in the deep south of the US of A which plays
>traditional (and new) klezmer material with an electric bass and a driving
>funk beat. It's phenominal, and you know what? It's definitely klezmer
>-traditional klezmer electrified. I asw them perform once -they had a host
>of Deadhead spinners dancing off to the side  of the stage. That was
>Alana Suskin

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