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Jewish Arts Festival in Kansas City

The second biennial Kansas City Jewish Arts Festival is happening Sunday,
Sept. 8, at the Jewish Community Center of Greater KC, 5801 W. 115th St.,
Overland Park, KS.

Featured performers include Debbie Friedman, Peter Himmelman (Bob Dylan's
son-in-law), Golden Land Klezmer Orchestra, Broadway/Yiddish theater
performer Bruce Adler, Kolos, Robbo, plus a number of local performing

The festival also will feature a juried art show of more than 70 Judaic
artists from all over the U.S.  And, of course, there will be an endless
array of kosher food (it IS a Jewish event, after all!). 

Kansas City is located smack dab in the middle of the continental U.S., so
it's easily accessible from everywhere! Don't miss this event -- there won't
be another one like it for 2 more years! 

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