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Re: Eastern European Jewish Folk Dance Workshop (fwd)

Several inquiries have been received about the nature of the Eastern 
European Jewish Dances being taught at Michael Alpert's workshop. 
Exerps from the following response to a typical inquiry should address those 
questions for readers of the above lists, who may be interested: 

On 30 Apr 1996, D. H. Owens & R. A. Mohr wrote:

> I know him from our years in L.A., but haven't kept in touch.  I help run the 
> U.
> Michigan FD Club (and also have a klezmer band), and have been wondering about
> klezmer dancing -- how authentic it is, or whether Michael makes up the 
> dances!

I believe that Michael has collected at least a dozen dances mostly in 
the U.S. from Eastern European Jews who had done them back in the shtetls 
and towns of the "old country".  He has run a series of workshops on 
these dances at the Jewish Culture Festival Krakow during the summer.  
Our seminar tour of eastern Europe includes the Krakow 
Festival, which would be an ideal place to learn these dances. 

> Thanks.
> David Owens
> The Ethnic Connection
> (Formerly NAMA)

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