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Yeminite music paper

On Thu, 11 Apr 1996 18:40:21 EST, Katie wrote:

>I doing a term paper on Yeminite influence on Israeli popular music.
>Does anyone have any sources/names of Yeminite-Israeli singers/ or
>anything that might be of some help to me?

Just a couple of references:

Haim Moshe - a highly popular Israeli/Yemenite Singer 
Ofra Haza -
Achinoam Nini (aka. Noa)- of Yemenite descent; her music is a very modern
fusion, in both Hebrew and English. Some info about her can be found at:
There are a plethora of websites and search engines that deal with Israeli
culture, but you'll have to dig for a while to get specifics.
Here's one you may like to begin with:

Here's a newsgroup where you may like to re-post your query: soc.culture.israel 

Good Luck (B'hatslaha),

Moshe Denburg

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