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Re: Seeking Yiddish song(s) in praise of America / Kolumbus

> We are looking for one or a few Yiddish songs that celebrate America or
> the experience of being/living in America.  The ideal song would beupbeat
> and optimistic, with instrumental accompaniment.  An example of the kind
> of song we have in mind is "Lebn Zol Columbus," which is great, but very
> short.  So we would like to put together a medley, or maybe there's one
> longer song that would be just the thing.

There's a piece, "Leben zol Amerika" by Leo Rosenberg and M. Rubinstein. 
 I don't know much about it -- the cover of the music appears in a story 
about the Library of Congress Judaic collection which will be exhibited 
in Hartford this month.  -Mike

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