Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: Greetings from Texas

        Is there an archives on this list? Your question is 
a rather frequently-asked one and I (and others) have responded to it at 
length in the past. If there is one, access it and you will have at least 
a dozen answers to your question. If there is one, feel free to e-mail me 
privately and I will try to look for my answer among the "sent mail"  
messages which my server automatically saves. 

Fred Jacobowitz
Machaya Klezmer Band in the Washington, DC/Baltimore area

On Sun, 24 Mar 1996, Jennifer R. Goodman wrote:

> Shalom!
> It's lovely to see this list, and I much appreciate being
> told about it. Let me introduce myself. My name's Jennifer
> Goodman. I teach English at Texas A&M, and am now (to
> my amazement) coordinating a Jewish Music Literacy Project
> for the A&M Hillel. This program started with a faculty
> study group that became interested in learning Yiddish and
> Ladino songs. It is now moving towards the formation of a
> pickup Klezmer band, though there's a lot of interest in
> Israeli and liturgical music, too. This is going to be fun,
> but we need all the good advice -- and contacts -- we can
> get.  Ideas for places to start and practical suggestions
> will be gladly received. Sources of sheet music for
> brass instruments may be what we need most right now.
> My own taste runs to klezmer, Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish
> songs. My background is in folk and classical music. I
> play guitar, mandolin, and keyboard. I'm getting back
> into songwriting after a long silence, having fun
> finding people to sing with, and looking forward to exploring
> Jewish music -- to paraphrase a fifteenth-century writer,
> it's "a world, or a thing incredible to believe."
> Thanks for your help.
> Jennifer Goodman
> Associate Professor
> Department of English
> Texas A&M University
> jenifer (at) tam2000(dot)tamu(dot)edu

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