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Help with Jewish outlets

Hello out there!  Water Records, and alternative Jewish music label
based in NY, promotes alternative Jewish music/artists.  We are
trying to locate the best Judaica outlets (stores that carry Jewish 
music) in the following 5 metropolitan areas:

 1. San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose
 2. Boston/Lawrence/Salem
 3. Chicago/Gary/Lake County
 4. Philadelphia/Wilmington/Trenton
 5  Los Angeles/Anaheim/Riverside

 If you have know of any stores that have an active trade in Jewish
music in these 5 areas, would you please drop us a line?  We would like 
to distribute our product to these areas.  Thanks very much.
You could also check out our latest release, Dana Mase's "Sitting
With An Angel" on our web site at:

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