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Ruth Rubin and oak publications

I need to replace two books which were lost after being lent out. The first
is by Ruth Rubin, and is a hardcover (about 8 1/2 x 11) of Jewish folk
songs, including some Israeli songs. It is likely published in the 50's or
60's. Piano arrangements of folksongs, with words.
 The second, published by Oak Publications, is a softcover, just the
lyrics and music (no piano arrangements) of Jewish folk songs. It might
be called Favorite Jewish folk songs, I cannot recall the exact title.
I will need the address of Oak Publications and anyone else who might
carry thse two books. 

Anne Dubrofsky                   o     _____________       o          
Carleton University             /\_  _|             |    -/\/\-     
Ottawa, Ontario.               _\__`[_______________|     /==\
adubrofs (at) ccs(dot)carleton(dot)ca        ] [ \, ][         ][       ][  

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