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KLEZAMIR RELEASES RECORDING: "Klezamir Cooks for Tante Barbara"

Announcing the release of a new recording of klezmer and yiddish music by
Massachusetts-based Klezmer band KLEZAMIR:

"Klezamir Cooks for Tante Barbara" 

Released in November 1995, "Klezamir Cooks for Tante Barbara" is the debut
recording from KLEZAMIR, based in Northampton, MA.  The selections on the
recording include Klezmer tunes, Yiddish folksongs, Yiddish theatre songs,
and a Hebrew wedding song.  

Klezamir's "backbeat Klezmer" music is fresh and alive.  With powerful
grooves, their music really rocks!!

Klezamir is:
Rhoda Bernard (vocals, piano, percussion)
Jim Armenti (clarinet, mandolin, guitar, vocals)
Amy Rose (flute, piano, vocals)
Joe Blumenthal (bass, tenor banjo, vocals)
Neil Zagorin (drums)

For more information about KLEZAMIR and about "Klezamir Cooks for Tante
Barbara," e-mail Rhoda Bernard at rhoda (at) saturn(dot)net(dot)

Watch this newsgroup for an announcement of our new web site, set to open
later this month, which will contain sound bytes from the CD!!

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