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Re: History of Klezmer

        What an unusual first name... Tell him to look in the 
Encyclopedia Judaica. There's a good article on Jewish music in general 
which includes Klezmer. As for when it started, noone really knows, and 
what exactly do you mean by Klezmer? I also recommend contacting YIVO in New 
York. I would guess that they have a web sight up and running and they 
surely would be able to steer him to sources. There is also a wonderful 
collection of Klezmer tunes called "the Compleat Klezmer" which has some 
really good tidbits. In any case, I would be happy to tell him what little I 
know if he wants to e-mail me.

Fred Jacobowitz,

Machaya Klezmer Band

On 6 Jan 1996, P. Kirman wrote:

> A friend of mine would like me to give him some background information
> on Klezmer music -- like where and how and when it originated.
> Are there any Web sites I could point him to?

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