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Re: Rock bands Jewish? / Beastie Boys / Pearl Jam

Yes, the Beastie Boys are Jewish.  On their recent EP Root Down, there 
are ten tracks, and after the last track is a "hidden" track (just allow 
the CD-single to continue to play after the last song for about half a 
minute), the Galei Zahal (IDF radio) commercial for the Beastie Boys 
concert in Israel last year, which samples "So Whatcha Want."

Some American rockers who are Jewish are Adam Duritz, singer and writer 
of the Counting Crows, the Canadian alternative band The Watchmen, and
alternative-to-alternative (whatever that means) band Ween, for starters.

I know this may be a bit of a tangent, but I have heard rumours that 
Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam is a Jew.  This may be a Jewish urban myth, but 
does anyone know if it is true or untrue?  This info would be very 
helpful for a thesis I am working on about Jewish rock musicians.

On Sun, 31 Dec 1995, Marek wrote:

> My cousin told me that the Beastie Boys are jewish and how they used some
> Jewish music in at least one of their songs.  I also have a tape from the
> punk band NOFX which has a song called "The Brews" and is about? what
> else? proud jewish kids/punks who sport anti-swastika tattoos.  Pretty
> cool song if you ever get your hands on it. =)  Also, does anyone know of
> any popular or good hard-rock/metal bands with Jewish members, music, or
> messages?  E-mail me personally, please, but feel free to keep it going on
> this newgroup.

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