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Re: rules for the jewish music list

The Jewish Music list is connected to the Usenet newsgroup
"". Posts to either the list or the newsgroup appear in
both groups. The irrelevant and even objectionable posts that appear so
frequently are almost always from the newsgroup. As long as the list
remains connected to the newsgroup, this situation will continue. 

It would appear that *no one* is responsible for the list. I do not have
the name and E-mail address of the list owner, and have tried in vain to
get them. 

If anyone would like to take the responsibility of starting a Jewish music
list unconnected to a Usenet newsgroup -- a list devoted especially to
folk (i.e., Klezmer, Ladino, other ethnic traditions) and classical Jewish
music, rather than to pop and rock, I would certainly be interested in
subscribing. And I suspect that there are other subscribers to this list
who would also be interested. 

Hope Ehn                  <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

Dennis and Hope Ehn are 2 different people sharing one account.
Hope is the author of "On-Line Resources for Classical & Academic Musicians."
Dennis does programming (mostly C++).
PLEASE don't get us confused!                                 :-)

On Sun, 10 Dec 1995, Doug Wissoker wrote:

> Is someone responsible for the jewish music list?  Can any one post or is
> only list members?  Can we have it reset so that it's only list members.
> I receive a lot of unwanted postings via this list.  No other list that
> i'm on permits this much unrelated material to get sent out.
> Does someone know what the story is and how to fix it?
> Thanks,
> Doug Wissoker

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