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Title to a Yiddish song

JS>_ (at) FROM   :FTJR89A (at) prodigy(dot)com
JS>_ (at) SUBJECT:Title to a  Yiddish song unknown please hlp
JS>Message-ID: <3vbknj$1nm2 (at) usenetw1(dot)news(dot)prodigy(dot)com>
JS>Organization: Prodigy Services Company  1-800-PRODIGY


JS> I recall a song that my father used to sing  in Yiddish.  Would
JS>some someone please tell me the title and lyrics of the song.

JS> The song was about a famous Cantor was going on a journey to
JS>Daven for some Jewish noblemen for the upcoming  High Holidays. 
JS>The wheel of the Cantors wagon broke just before the Holidays. 
JS>Because of the Halaca forbidding travel on the Holy Days and the
JS>Sabbath the Cantor could not continue  his journey.  The Cantor
JS>made the best of the situation and Davened for few Jews near a
JS>farm where he rested his animals..  The Cantor was so grateful
JS>for the opportunity to Daven that he states in the song, Even 
JS>if he  didn't have a congregation he would still Daven and the
JS>farm animals would hear his prayers.

JS> The song has a good story  to tell about being humble.  The
JS>message should be passed down to future generations.

JS>If anyone knows the title and or lyrics to this song would you
JS>please send them to me. .  

JS>    Respectfuly

JS>  JOSEPH SHNIDERMAN  FTJR89A (at) prodigy(dot)com

If you get a response, I'd like to know too.  Thanks.

***Gene Naparst***  Houston, Texas U.S.A. ***


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