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Re: Noa (fwd)

In article: <Pine(dot)ULT(dot)3(dot)91(dot)951114085005(dot)3884G-100000 (at) 
rac3(dot)wam(dot)umd(dot)edu>  the 
Cheshire Cat <alanacat (at) wam(dot)umd(dot)edu> writes:
> Newsgroups:
> Path:!!demon!!pipex!!pipex!!pipex!!sparky.w!!panix!shamash!archives
> From: the Cheshire Cat <alanacat (at) wam(dot)umd(dot)edu>
> Subject: Noa (fwd)
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Message-ID: <Pine(dot)ULT(dot)3(dot)91(dot)951114085005(dot)3884G-100000 (at) 
> rac3(dot)wam(dot)umd(dot)edu>
> Sender: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)nysernet(dot)org
> Reply-To: alanacat (at) wam(dot)umd(dot)edu
> Organization: Shamash
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 13:52:03 GMT
> Lines: 39
> I have to disagree with this post. I picked up a copy of a promo album 
> she put out thinking it would be something Ofra Haza-ish (as was 
> suggested by someone on this list) and instead got syrupy bland American 
> Pop (some of it with Hebrew lyrics) and I wonder if she's Jewish since 
> her last song was an AveMaria.
She sung with the pope in Rome even worse then that in front of thousands of 
> Alana Suskin,
> Mitnaggedet Mama
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 17:01:22 +0300
> From: Larry Bach <landabach (at) cinternet(dot)net>
> To: "World music from a Jewish slant." <jewish-music (at) 
> shamash(dot)nysernet(dot)org>
> Subject: Noa
> Noa is an incredible performer.  Her "American" album (it has a few hebrew
> songs too), called "Noa," is available on Geffen Records (GED 24619).  In
> Israel, Noa goes by her full name, Achinoam Nini, and has two albums
> (unless a third has been released since the summer).  The first is Called
> "Achinoam Nini and Gil Dor Live," was released in '91 by NMC (NMC 
> The second (and IMHO the best of her three discs) is called "Achinoam Nini
> Gil Dor," and is Noa's and Gil Dor's setting of poems by Leah Goldberg and
> Rachel the poetess.  Gil is her accompanist and her teacher.  This disc,
> NMC 20083-2, came out in '92.
> Noa is simply the greatest thing in Israeli music in this decade.  Do
> whatever it takes to get a hold of these discs.
> good luck,
> Larry
> -------------------------
> Larry and Alanna Bach
> landabach (at) cinternet(dot)net
              E-Mail sent from Richard (at) demon(dot)co(dot)uk
          Keep Cool - Keep Smiling - You only live once                     

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