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Fwd: Jeff Warschauer Performs at Hebrew Union College

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Jeff Warschauer Performs at Hebrew Union College
Date:    95-11-07 19:33:03 EST
From:    Warschauer
To:      mendele (at) yalevm(dot)ycc(dot)yale(dot)edu

The Jeff Warschauer Klezmer Ensemble
391 Fourth Street, Suite 4*Brooklyn, NY 11215 USA
phone & fax 718/499-8879*e-mail: warschauer (at) aol(dot)com

        For Immediate Release
        Info: Tracy Nathan (212) 674-5300 x205

Klezmer mandolinist, guitarist, and singer Jeff Warschauer will be performing
a concert of original and traditional Klezmer instrumentals, and songs in
Yiddish and English.  The concert will take place on Sunday, December 3,
1995, 3:00 PM, at Hebrew Union College Brookdale Center, One West 4th Street,
New York City.  Admission $7.00 / seniors and students $5.00.  

Jeff is known internationally as one of the foremost exponents of the Klezmer
mandolin, and as a unique innovator in the development of an authentic
Klezmer guitar style.  His CD, The Singing Waltz: Klezmer Guitar and
Mandolin, is scheduled to be released on the Vanguard Classics/Omega label.
 Jeff will be joined by guest artists Kurt Bjorling (clarinet, accordion and
tsimbl), and Deborah Strauss (violin), of the Chicago Klezmer Ensemble.  

The concert is a joint production of Living Traditions, a non-profit
organization dedicated to the development of Yiddish culture, and Hebrew
Union College.  

For more information, please contact Tracy Nathan, at (212) 674-5300 x205, or
Jeff Warschauer at (718) 499-8879.  

Newspapers write about Jeff Warschauer...

"...We have had the pleasure of hearing Jeff Warschauer on several occasions,
and have been inspired by his performances..."
     The Forward, New York

"...Mandolinist Jeff Warschauer... [showed] off his fiery fingers in a
Yiddish dance tune..."
     Richard Dyer, Boston Globe         

"From among the modern Klezmer musicians mentioned... one should also heed
Jeff Warschauer...his mandolin conjures up the sweetness and melancholy of
Klezmer tunes, which remain in wonderful harmony with Yiddish songs."  
     Jan Poprawa, Teatr, Poland

"His playing on the mandolin is a highly personal contribution...he shows a
lot of virtuosity, but mainly these delicate tones float like shining
quotation marks around the songs."
     Twents Dagblad,             The Netherlands

     Iris Fanger, Boston Herald 

Jeff Warschauer (guitar, mandolin, tenor banjo, vocals) is known
internationally as one of the foremost exponents of the Klezmer mandolin, and
as a unique innovator in the development of an authentic Klezmer guitar
style.  He has played and taught throughout the United States, in Western
Europe, Poland, the Czech Republic, the former Soviet Union, Australia and
New Zealand, and for the U.S.O. in Greenland. He is a member of the Klezmer
Conservatory Band, has performed with the Bolshoi Ballet, and has been
Composer, Music Director and/or featured instrumentalist for numerous
theatrical productions, recordings, and film soundtracks. In addition, he
performs extensively in duo and trio combinations with Dutch Yiddish singer
Shura Lipovsky, and New York pianist Zalmen Mlotek. In 1986 he won the
Amalgamated Bank Prize for Yiddish Studies at the Oxford University Summer
Programme, and he was awarded a 1990 Massachusetts Artists Fellowship for his
Klezmer mandolin and solo guitar work.  He recently appeared both on-stage,
and in the pit with the hit musical Shlemiel the First, and this past summer
he delivered a series of lectures on the history of Klezmer music at the
Oxford Institute for Yiddish Studies.  A graduate of the New England
Conservatory of Music, Jeff is on the faculty of the Longy School of Music
and the KlezKamp Yiddish Folk Arts Institute.  

Kurt Bjorling (clarinet, accordion and tsimbl) is one of the finest
clarinetists to emerge from the current klezmer revitalization.  Known for
his soulful and elegant interpretations of traditional klezmer music, as well
as for the jazzy innovation he brings to the style, Bjorling is clarinetist
with the internationally renowned group Brave Old World.  Bjorling has also
been clarinetist and musical director of the Chicago Klezmer Ensemble since
1984, and toured Europe in 1988-89 as featured guest artist with The
Klezmatics.  In 1991, he appeared at Lincoln Center as guest soloist with the
Concordia Chamber Symphony to perform his original work A Suite of Yiddish
Music, commissioned for the occasion.  Bjorling studied clarinet with Lloyd
Scott and Larry Combs, principal clarinetist of the Chicago Symphony, and
teaches at KlezKamp and Chicago's Old Town School of Folk Music  He is active
in the jazz, chamber music, and ethnic music fields, and arranges and
performs for theater and video.  He is the music archivist at Spertus College
of Judaica in Chicago, and also builds and restores exotic musical

Deborah Strauss (violin) is considered one of the finest practitioners of
traditional Jewish violin style today.  Known for her thoughtful attention to
detail and powerful expressivity, she performs with Kurt Bjorling as a
violin/tsimbl duo, and is a member of the Chicago Klezmer Ensemble.  Deborah
teaches at KlezKamp and Buffalo on the Roof, appears on  Kapelye's new CD, On
the Air, and has performed in numerous workshops with Brave Old World.  In
1994 and 1995, she appeared as a soloist at the Festival of Jewish Culture in
Cracow, Poland.  Deborah is pursuing her doctorate in ethnomusicology at the
University of Chicago.  

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