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Kol Nidre singer needed

Yes I know this is terribly late, but our long-time singer of Kol Nidre 
has just found that she will be unable to sing with us this year.  We are 
a medium-sized independent havurah in Reston Virginia.  We do Kol Nidre 
with 200 or so people and use a makhzor of our own devising.  But we 
would love to continue to have Kol Nidre sung/chanted by someone with a 
good, strong voice, backed up by an enthusiastic three-part ensemble.  We 
have a small budget with which to thank the right volunteer.  Please 
contact me as soon as possible.

Mike Leavitt<mleavitt (at) netcom(dot)com>
Reston, Virginia

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