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in case you missed the NYC Kelz Extravaganza 7/12

In case you missed The New York All Star Klezmer Festival at Damrosch Park
in Lincoln Center last night (July 12).  Over 2,000 attended the free,
standing room only event.

Each group did about 3 pieces.
The program, sponsored by The Workmen?s Circle/Der Arbiter Ring started
with The Lipovsky/Mlotek/Warschauer Trio (Zalmen Mlotek was the program?s
muscial director).  They were followed by Kapelye, Andy Statman, Brave Old
World, the Klezmer Conservatory Band (whose new CD is titled ?Jews With
Horns?), and The Klezmatics.

The program ended with a Grand Finale that included all the groups.
The special guest performer was the violinist Yitzhak Perlman.  The Finale
was filmed for a later rebroadcast this Fall on PBS.  The Finale included
a variety of groups doing the same song, ?Elimelech of Gilbrauten.?  It
began as a classic Klez tune, was then arranged in a Jazz Age format,
followed by a Big Band Answer-Call style, a Cartoon style, a Salonika
style, a Diona style, and came back to the classic style.

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