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Jewish Arts Fest in Austin, TX prelim.

The Celebration of Jewish Arts and Culture is beginning its fifth year as
a unique and unusual cultural festival. Many of our original goals have
been reached, only to open new avenues. Our initial plans included the
promotion and presentation of Jewish artists and their work, and the
increasing awareness and appreciation for Jewish art and culture in
Austin. The CJAC continues the unique opportunity for anyone to take an
intimate look into Jewish culture and how it relates to the arts. Our
goals are to ignite a spark in those who wish to test their own creative
ideas through a healthy exchange between artist and the audience and offer
a good time and educational experience for everyone.
This year the CJAC will take place as a series of events in the visual
arts, music, and folk art. The Main Festival Shpiel and Concert, which has
become our most popular event offers music, dance, crafts, puppetry,
storytelling, activities for the children of all ages, demonstrations,
kosher food, and more. The events will begin in the fall of 1995 and
continue through early spring of 1996 with the Main Festival Shpiel and
All are invited. The Celebration of Jewish Arts and Culture is a cultural
festival for everyone. There will be opportunities for everyone to
participate or sit back, in either case, enjoy. It's up to you. Kick up
your heels in a hora, design your own work of art, musical instrument,
craft project, taste kosher delights from across the globe, laugh, sing
and see life as never before at the Main Festival Shpiel. Hear a
photographer talk about his trek to Cuba and his experiences with Jews in
Cuba photographic exhibit. Dance to the sounds of the top klezmer bands in
the Southwest. Snap your fingers to the sounds of jazz at the Jewish
Influences in Jazz concert.

Visual Art
Documentary photographer Paul Margolis'  exhibit, Jews in Cuba, depicting
the spiritual revival and open celebration of Jewish culture in Cuba. Mr.
Margolis will be speaking about his experiences in Cuba.

This is the year of Jewish jazz and the klezmer. The CJAC will present
jazz composers/instrumentalists Bob Meyer and Mark Rubenstein in the
Jewish Influences in Jazz concert and two klezmer groups from the
Southwest: the New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars and the Austin Klezmorim.

Folk Arts
The CJAC's Main Festival Shpiel has always been the most popular of the
events presented. This year we will again present the Main Festival Shpiel
complete with Folk Arts exhibits, hands-on craft projects for children and
all who want to let their creative juices flow, puppet shows,
storytelling, music, folk dancing and more.

Advertising & Contributions
*  The Celebration of Jewish Arts and Culture operates on a "shoestring
budget" and is always looking for ways of increasing the festival's
revenue. As a program of Laguna Gloria Art Museum the CJAC has non-profit,
501 (c) (3) tax exempt status, which means you can make a tax-deductible
contribution to help us with our operating expenses. For those interested
in helping this way, feel free to call or write the CJAC at the address
below. We will gladly try to answer all of  your questions.
*  For businesses who wish to advertise in the printed program, your ad
space pays for the print production of the CJAC program, poster, and
brochure. In addition to the display ad, your business name will be listed
in every printed piece that is mailed. Each year our outreach grows and
reaches a larger cross-section of the Austin community.
*  Underwriting is also available if you or your company are feeling
exceptionally generous. An underwriter of a CJAC event  receives
additional considerations which include tickets to all events, your logo
prominently placed on all printed material and advertising, and special
recognition at all of the events. Contact the CJAC office for information.

Wish List
*  One of the most costly expenses of the CJAC is travel and lodging. In
order to offer the diverse and high quality programming that has given the
CJAC it's reputation as a major Jewish festival in the Southwest, most of
the out-of-town artists are provided with airline tickets and rooms while
they are here. If you have frequent flyer miles that you would like to
contribute or if you know of someone who can help in any way with the
transportation dilemma, please contact the CJAC office as soon as
possible. The availability of flights and tickets can be a very important
consideration as to which artists will be presented in the CJAC. In
addition to the travel and lodging we are in need of a copier, office
supplies, an additional Mac computer, laser printer, scanner, banners,
office space, a site for a fund-raiser, food and merchandise for our
silent auction.

Volunteers and the CJAC
The Celebration of Jewish Arts and Culture is for everyone in Austin. We
operate on the belief that each and every person is welcome. If you would
like to contribute to the CJAC creation and development, just ask. We need
volunteers all year long. As a volunteer you will have an even better
opportunity to attend the events, meet the artists and participate in the
festival. Plus, as a member of the CJAC volunteer staff, you have the
satisfaction of being an important and integral part of the festival. If
you get involved with the festival early in its development and planning
stages you will have the opportunity to contribute significantly to the
shape and personality of the CJAC.  
We need people to help with technical issues, advertising, artist
hospitality, publicity, ushering, ticketing, mailings, fund-raising, legal
matters, site planning, print and publication design, set up, tear down,
security, and many other jobs.

If you would like to volunteer
please call us at the CJAC office:
(512) 834-2351.

* 1995/5755 *
September 17th
Free afternoon concert 
featuring jazz composers/multi-instrumentalists
Bob Meyer and Mark Rubenstein

* 1996/5756 *
February 3rd through February 17th
The Photography of Paul Margolis 
 Jews in Cuba
Exhibition, Lecture, Slide Show

Sunday, March 10th
Folk music and dance concert featuring:
 Sephardic music and dance
The New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars
The Austin Klezmorim
* Storytelling * Food * Demonstrations *
* Hands-on art projects for the "kinder" of all ages *
* Features local and regional artist * Family oriented *
* dates and schedules are subject to change

The Celebration of Jewish Arts and Culture is sponsored by Laguna Gloria
Art Museum, the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, the
Musicians' Performance Trust Fund, and B.A. Music, and is funded in part
by the City of Austin under the auspices of the Austin Arts Commission.

A Letter From the Executive Director
 First of all we want to thank you for taking the time to read this
letter. The Celebration of Jewish Arts and Culture is beginning its fifth
year and we have made it this far thanks to you. The CJAC is a labor of
love but I believe it is also a necessity to the health of the community.
The CJAC is here because people want it and the proof is that it has made
it this far. Through the effort and cooperation of many arts
organizations, businesses, and individuals the CJAC has managed to
survive. The CJAC will continue to survive and flourish as long as there
is support. The support is not only monetary. The resources to produce
this festival come from businesses, contributors, sponsors, volunteers,
those who contribute artistically, those who help publicize, and those
willing to attend. As is the case with the success of many art projects,
the appreciation by others is healthy and necessary to the life of the
art, especially when performance is involved.
 The CJAC is here to offer you the opportunity to take an intimate look at
Jewish art, Jewish culture, and art by Jewish artists. The CJAC is not
just for the Jewish Community, it is for anyone who would like to
participate in a dialog with the guest artists, whether artist or not,
Jewish or not. The CJAC is here to create opportunities and to expand
horizons, entertain and inform, and most importantly to embrace the whole
community. Each year the CJAC grows a little stronger, opening new doors
to the enrichment and diversity of our lives. Through the CJAC we can grow
closer together and create stronger ties and a better understanding of
each other. The CJAC creates opportunities for a more peaceful
co-existence between cultures through the exchange offered by events like
this one, while preserving and building our own cultural identity so
necessary to living a full life. Our logo has a Hebrew word in the middle
which stands for much of what this festival stands for: CHAI which means
LIFE. So please remember that it is your effort as well as the effort of
others that makes the CJAC live:  a MITZVAH   (a good deed).

  My sincerest thanks to all and shalom   (peace).
                   Bill Averbach, Executive Director

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