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Chanting & drumming music...

   I would like to recommend to you a wonderful cassette by
   Uriel Hadassah called RAVEN IN THE WIND.

    Uriel blends women's choral voices and various rhythm instruments
    such as dombeck, tibetan bells and others.  She works with
    "Joy in the One" Choir" to create wonderfully dramatic and 
    unusual pieces very appropriate for liturgical use. 
    Her music is very spiritual and moving; the use of the drums
    gives an added impact.  
       "Meeting my edge again and again..frozen..fearful.
         Letting go into love, being kind to myself
            open, generous.
         Learning to play like a raven in the wind"

     Her tapes are available from:
         Light & Myrtle Productions
         1050 Clay St
         Ashland OR 97520

    They may also be available from Tara Music (Vevel Pasternak)

    Usual disclaimer: I have no financial interest in the above

   kharding (at) lamar(dot)colostate(dot)edu | ...The moment one knows how, one 
    *** THE JOYFUL DANCER ***   | to die a little. Living is a form of not
                                | being sure, of not knowing what next or
    (\o/)  (\o/)  (\o/) (\o/)   | how.....One leaps in the dark!
    (/|\)  (/|\)  (/|\) (/|\)   | -Agnes Demille, Dance Choreographer

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