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Save a Life!!!!

Dear Fellow Jew,

Chaim ben Shalom Marshall is currently sitting on death row in San Quentin
State Prison. He has been there for ten years and is currently appealing
his sentence. During this time he has become religious, yet aside from the
usual obstacles, on death row there are additional ones.

The prison authorities have forbidden him to wear a kippah (skullcap) as
it apparently against regulations. Chaim is in the process of appealing
this unconstitutional rule and needs Rabbinic figures to state in writing
that wearing a skullcap is indeed a major part of the Jewish religion and
is recognized as such in traditional Jewish sources. This notice should be
notarized and mailed to him at the following address:

Chaim ben Shalom / Marshall
D - 30303
San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin, CA 94974

It should be clear that this would not only help his case tremendously, it
would set a precedent for other Jewish prisoners as well. When all is said
and done it is the least we can do as fellow Jews. Please pass this
request on to your Rabbi and encourage him to send the letter that will
help Jews who truly need it.

Thank you for your help.

                                Israeli Friends of Chaim ben Shalom

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