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                          The Kazez-Street Duo

                        "Music on Jewish Themes"

June 1, 1995

Arrangements are nearly complete for our European concert tour!
Daniel Kazez, cello, and Eric Street, piano, will perform concerts of 
"Music on Jewish Themes," with music by Stutschewsky, Chajes, Bloch, 
Gaul, Popper, Glick, and Castelnuovo-Tedesco.  Below, you will find 
a list of our European performances.

      *             *             *             *             *             

Tues. June 13, 5:00 pm
Prague, Czech Republic
Jubilee Synagogue, 1995 Festival of Jewish Culture

Sat. June 17, 9:00 am
Berlin, Germany
College Music Society
International College Music Society Conference
Maritim Pro Arte/Ballroom
150-153 Friedrichstrasse

Mon. June 19, evening
Florence, Italy
University of Florence, Villa Corsi-Salviati

Tues. June 20, 9:00 pm
Rome, Italy
Il Pitigliani/Centre Ebraico Italiano

Thurs. June 22, 9:00 pm
Florence, Italy
Great Synagogue

Sun. June 25??
Salzburg, Austria
Chabad House

Sun. June 26??
Geneva, Switzerland
Communaute Israelite de Geneve

Tues. June 27??
Paris France
Temple Victoire?

Thurs. June 29, evening
Brussels, Belgium
Merkaz 'Hai Benefit

Sun. July 2, 8:00 pm
London, England
The Jewish Museum-Finchley/The Manor House
The Sternberg Centre for Judaism/80 East End Road
Finchley, London.  Tel:  0181-346-2288.

      *             *             *             *             *             

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Nazi 
concentration camps.  Coinciding with this momentous and hopeful event, 
the Kazez-Street Duo will launch a major European concert tour this 
summer.  Their performance schedule begins in the heart of Germany and 
ends in areas of anti-Nazi resistance:  Berlin--Prague--Salzburg--

The last hundred years has brought the music world a rich and varied 
repertoire of "Music on Jewish Themes."  Composers such as Ernest Bloch, 
Joachim Stutschewsky, and Julius Chajes have produced musical 
masterworks in which the melodies, the harmonies, and the myriad nuances 
of pitch and rhythm are unmistakably Jewish.  These and other composers 
have based their music on the many musical styles of the Jewish world:  
Sephardic, Yiddish, Klezmer, Hassidic, Yemenite, Hebrew, Israeli, and 
others.  These composers have written many of their finest, most 
popular, and most appealing instrumental works for the cello.  These 
composers are major figures in Jewish musical culture.  Thus, these 
performances serve not only to entertain, but also to celebrate, 
illustrate, and illuminate the history of Jewish art music.

The Kazez-Street Duo will continue concerts in this series during 
1995-96 season with performances in Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, 
Barcelona, Spain, and Bombay, India.

I look forward to meeting all of you at our summer 1995 European concerts.

Dan Kazez
Springfield, Ohio USA

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Daniel (Dan) Kazez                     e-mail:  kazez (at) wittenberg(dot)edu
Associate Professor Music                         tel:  513-327-7354
Wittenberg University                             fax:  513-327-6340

Daniel Kazez / Wittenberg University / Springfield, Ohio 44501 U.S.A.
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